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Nobody’s got time, not for he and not for she
In this ping, “push notification” society
Before hi tech devices, it used to be ours
But now we’ve been robbed, of 24 hours
The lure of the blue light and catchy tones
Flirting with us, through our phones
But life is for joy and sensuality
So let’s take it back, for he and she
Let’s not live from tone to tone
Or the flashing mobile phone
Tear the clock, off the wall
Ignore the fifteenth, sales call
Grab a Marker, thick not fine
And write upon it, “This time is Mine
Skater boy
The scraping, the crash, the rolling
weaving sound, getting louder
drives me crazy!
in the still of the night
through my window
you always seem to catch me
at the right time
about to slumber
about to go under
but no!
your restless feet
tearing up my street
pounding heart
forbids that pleasure
many times, expletives splurged from my lips
many times, on the point of yelling
from my world, to yours
telling you what you should do
strangely overtired
I never got round, to that
One night
I just had to see
what wanton creature
does this to me
1am, by the cheese shop
there you were
up, and down, spinning around
thin, gangly,
torn jeans
baseball cap
floppy, blonde hair
with a will, of its own
you looked so incredibly, alone
like you belonged, to not a single soul
lost, indifferent, empty, naive
I had no heart
to say anything
I saw you, one evening
your fellow skaters, greeting
asking, where they were going
they laughed and hurried away
no time for you, today
doubtless, there on a shelf
somewhere resides
a schoolboy picture
over which, your mother sighs
may God help you find your tribe,
lonely, skater boy